Keeping local members engaged and bringing members with sub-interests together is a large part of what keeps associations moving forward.
Managing the logistics of these groups can be a daunting task, however, and many associations find that it’s more work than it’s worth. Making sure that chapters and SIGs have the materials and (sometimes) funds that they need in order to succeed can be a challenge for association volunteers to manage.
AH manages 40+ associations, many of which serve chapters and SIGs as a main part of their member benefits. This results in dedicated staff time to managing the activities, marketing, communications, the sub-committees within each group, financials, and more. AH staff makes the operations and growth of our client chapters a priority so that they can continue to bring awareness to the national organization on a local level.
Chapter models are not a one-size-fits-all concept and AH works to make sure that your groups get the attention they need to grow and thrive while improving the bottom line of the national association as a whole.