First Year Non-Dues Revenue Increases in Partnership with AH's Industry Relations Team

The National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health through homeopathy by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy.
NCH engaged AH’s Industry Relations (IR) team to sell sponsorships at their annual meeting, sell advertising on NCH’s website and in its newsletter, increase organizational membership, and increase non-dues revenue.
AH’s IR team helped develop an attractive benefits package to bring in new organizational members. In addition, after a market analysis, NCH’s organizational membership dues were increased from $150 a year to $550 a year to be more consistent with the market.
Since partnering with AH’s IR team, NCH gained 19 organizational members, nine of which were new to NCH, earning NCH additional revenue of $9,913. In their first year partnering with IR, NCH’s annual meeting sponsorship revenue increased 5% over the previous year.