Dedicated Board Coupled With Management Company Accomplish Long-desired Changes

The Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC) is the only accrediting body specifically for nursing certification. ABSNC accreditation is a peer-review mechanism that allows nursing certification organizations to obtain accreditation by demonstrating compliance with the most rigorous industry standards.
After ABSNC became an AH client partner, the ABSNC board quickly began to utilize the partnership to make long-desired changes. A strategic planning session was conducted, and the board committed to achieving both long- and short-term goals.
Various task forces comprising board members were initiated to achieve these goals. A bylaw task force set about reviewing and revising the bylaws and within months, following review by legal counsel, ABSNC’s bylaws task force completed the revisions of the bylaws.
In the interim, ABSNC’s standards revision task force had met to revise policies to address how the accredited organizations will meet the requirements resulting from the changes in standards, which the board voted to adopt. The AH team finalized the standards document for language and formatting consistency.
Finally, a task force was formed to review the policy and procedures manual. The manual was presented to the board for review and approval and was well received.