February 16, 2015

Here at Association Headquarters (AH), we work with a variety of nonprofit organizations and associations who serve communities of people with the same professions and interests.

Image removed.An association is a group of individuals who come together as volunteers to form an organization to accomplish a purpose. That purpose could be to organize people's lives; to serve the pet parent community with reliable, trustworthy pet-sitters; or to be the best at treating patients with a wound or an ostomy. Associations serve many purposes but they all have one common denominator: they want to make a positive impact on the world.

As an association professional, I am thankful that I get to work with passionate people on so many different levels.

I'm thankful for those individuals who offer the best in patient care whether it be dermatology, physical therapy, transplantation, neurology, heart care, or would and ostomy care. I'm thankful that these groups of people decided to come together to benefit the well-being of their patients and offer the best care possible.

I'm thankful for those associations whose mission is to help small businesses grow and succeed. Without these associations, businesses may not be able to flourish the way they do in these niche industries. 

Without those individuals who dedicate their lives to research, we would not have the advancements that we have today and I am thankful for that and we would not have the knowledge that we do. And of course,

I'm thankful for those who come together to make sure that our world is safe, whether it be mosquito control and fighting disease, making sure all uuvenile products are up to par and our Halloween costumes are safe for adults and children alike.

Working with so many different organizations opens my eyes to how much is really done to make so many industries better for those working in them and those benefitting from them.

What association are you most thankful for?