NADCA, the National Air Duct Cleaners Association held a strategic planning session where the board of directors determined that the association’s website needed to be revamped. The board understood how important the website is in marketing NADCA as the recognized global authority on HVAC system cleaning. The board also knew that the current website was very difficult to navigate with information not easily found or completely outdated. The website was not mobile friendly and was not maximizing SEO (search engine optimization). The association was missing out on a huge marketing opportunity.
A volunteer task force was established to develop a website redesign plan and oversee this incredibly important task. But as you can imagine, the first question on everyone’s mind was – “Where do we begin?”
In order to bring organization to the process and wrap our arms around the task at hand, we developed a template that would become the foundation for how the new website would be organized.
Using the template to answer fundamental questions was very useful in setting the foundation upon which the new website will be organized and function to meet our goals. It has helped the task force to articulate a clear vision to the website redesign vendor and has also helped in organizing and selecting content for the new website.
Has your association gone through a website redesign? If so, what tools did you use to help make your redesign a success?