February 6, 2015

As CEOs it is our responsibility to challenge our staff to continually be comfortable in being innovative and being “change ready.” As the saying goes, “Go out on a limb  that's where the fruit is.”Image removed.

If we, as the leaders of our organizations, are not setting an example in trying new approaches and embracing change to ensure the long-term success of our companies, how can we expect our most important asset, our people, to embrace stretching both personally and professionally. In this constantly rapid moving environment, we must be willing to encourage innovation and embrace failure.

We have all heard that it took Thomas Edison thousands of failures before he invented the electric light bulb. Clearly Edison worked in an environment that allowed him to fail and supported his continuing efforts.

It is far too easy to maintain status quo. As Lee Lacocca stated in his television ads, "You either lead, follow, or get out of the way." In order to be a leader in your industry/profession as CEO, we must be open to change, and encourage our staff to go out on that limb and be innovative.

What have you done in your organization to encourage an innovative environment? Let us know in the comments section.



Bob Waller is the President and CEO of Association Headquarters. Click here for his full bio.