February 6, 2015

Many of us have heard the phrase, “If you are not growing, you are falling behind.” In today’s fast-paced environment that phrase is truer now more than ever. Now, that doesn’t mean your organization should grow at all costs! The key to growth is to be in a position to manage it by developing a system and internal processes to ensure that growth in determined areas is in the best interest of your organization and that you can handle the growth appropriately.

From my perspective, the first step in addressing growth is the development of an appropriate management structure. As the CEO of any organization, it is not possible — nor is it your role — to be involved in the “weeds” on every project, program, or activity. Beyond a management structure, a strong management team is essential. A group of “A players” will provide the necessary leadership and management in all of the functional areas of your company, while providing appropriate communication among each other and between the team and the CEO.

In addition to the senior team, an organization must be looking to cultivate future “stars” to develop that strong bench that is needed to support an organization’s growth. The days of just few key leaders managing an organization are gone. The business world has become too complex to expect a few to be able to truly provide the needed leadership/skills/expertise to support true growth.

These “A players” and “stars” together will make a strong leadership team. Some of the components of a strong team are:

  • Frequent Communication: There must be ongoing communication throughout the organization (more than just an occasional email).
  • Planning: Without a plan that everyone works from an organization will never achieve greatness.
  • Training/Personal Development: No matter an employee’s level in an organization, he or she needs ongoing training and education. The leaders of an organization need to practice the discipline of foresight to ensure the organization is addressing current and future trends.

No one can argue that growth is not good for any organization, but if the organization does not have the proper structure and people in place, growing for growth’s sake can lead to an organization’s demise. No matter the size of an organization, a well-thought-out and well-executed management structure is vital for long-term success.