Virtual Events: An Evolution for Associations
Events are the cornerstone of associations. Frequently rated among the top benefits of membership, in-person annual meetings, conferences, and conventions simultaneously build relationships, establish thought leaders, showcase innovations, and celebrate achievements both individually and as an industry.
At the same time, working virtually is nothing new to associations, whose leaders and volunteers are often convening via conference call and video chat from around the world.
However, nothing could have prepared the association events industry for the events brought about by COVID-19. Quite suddenly, the world closed down, restricting gatherings and travel. Not to be deterred, associations pivoted quickly to deliver world-class events virtually.
With all that pivoting, though, came lessons learned. Lessons about platforms and functionality. About communications and marketing, social media, on-demand learning, and new forms of networking and crafting engaging virtual events. About creating and reinforcing relationships with sponsors and exhibitors.
We navigated some tough and exciting times to discover how association meeting and event planners can succeed at planning a virtual event. We searched high and low for resources and guides, and while there is a lot of content out there, very little addressed the specific and unique needs of association meetings and event planners.
From that experience, this virtual events planning guide was developed to be an industry resource specifically for our colleagues in the association meetings and event planning industry. We’ve incorporated many examples, options, and guidance from association event planners who’ve been there. The intent is that this playbook will help guide you through the process of planning a virtual event for your association that meets your membership’s unique needs and expectations.