Do you ever sit at your desk and stare into your computer monitor and wonder how you are ever going to get everything done that needs to be completed before its deadline date? Do you feel yourself becoming anxious, overworked, and stressed out to the max?
As I was going through my email, I came across an article in ALHI Destination Success: Alleviating Stress in the Workplace, and thought I’d share some helpful tips for how to alleviate some of that stress:
- Stretching — Extending your arms, slowly above your head, while stretching and breathing deeply, is an effective yoga technique that you can do virtually anywhere, with little time required.
- Realistically Look at the Situation — If you are having a challenging day or problems with a project, take a step back to realistically analyze the circumstances and “slow down.” Many times we stress about events or tasks that really aren’t that important. By taking a moment to realize this, you can reduce your stress.
- Divide Up the Project — While a large program or assignment may seem overwhelming, splitting up your work into smaller tasks is easier to tackle. Make to do lists and cross off projects as they’re completed, as this provides a sense of accomplishment.
- Laugh — We’ve all heard the phrase that “laughter is the best medicine,” and this certainly applies to reducing stress. Laughing out loud actually helps lower blood pressure and reduces stress hormones — even in challenging times.
- Music — Studies show that listening to soothing music can lower blood pressure, as well as your heart rate and anxiety.
- Exercise — Exercise releases endorphins and burns up adrenaline, but it also may take you away from the source of your stress.
- Know What You Can and Can’t Change — Instead of stressing about things that are out of your control, accept these and focus on what you can change.
- Set Realistic Goals — Establish goals that challenge you, but are realistically attainable. Unrealistic goals set you up to fail and simply add stress.
- Take a Break — Physically leaving your office for a short walk, lunch, a quiet meditation, or a drive can be an effective stress reliever.
- Say No If Needed — You can’t do everything, so think before saying yes.
- Enhance Work Relationships — If you don’t have a natural connection with a co-worker or your boss, make an effort to create a rapport. By understanding their style, you can be more in tune with them, which can help the office environment.
- Hand and Foot Massage — Keep an empty water bottle or a golf ball in your office, to use for a quick massage to relieve arch strain or foot cramps. Squeeze stress balls to relieve tension from the hand and arm. Or place a warm heat wrap around your neck and shoulders for 10 minutes.
- Breathing Exercises — Sit comfortably with your back straight. Then take deep breaths through your nose into your stomach, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Do this 10 times.
You should feel more relaxed and refreshed, ready to take on the next task.
How do you manage stress at the office?
Sources Include: “10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast” article by Jeannette Moninger on;;;