For many associations, general awareness of the organization is very important for its survival, and reaching the right audience through the appropriate channels is key. The Association of Medical Media (AMM) — a non-profit organization made up of medical publishing firms, content providers, and associated companies in the medical communications field, which is dedicated to advancing the medical media industry — set out to gain more awareness among the public about what it stands for and who is involved in the association.
“Within the industry, AMM had partnerships with relevant publications and outlets that it could tap into to give AMM more exposure,” says Ally Clark, digital media specialist with AH Red Chair Communications (RCC). “The main pain point for AMM was that it needed to create a membership campaign with an overall look and feel that would be professional and resonate with its audience.”
RCC developed a membership marketing campaign to be featured in both digital and print communications, integrating creative design, photography, and video. First, RCC developed a cohesive theme for membership ads and video. Once a theme and strategy was confirmed, a survey was sent to the membership to capture messaging for the marketing campaign. Survey results were reviewed and testimonial questions were developed.
“For an authentic feel, the RCC’s digital media team traveled on-site to film testimonials and photograph real AMM members for the ads and video,” says Clark. “The finished products were four digital and print ads — one member featured in each — with a quote in text from their on-camera testimonial. We also developed one membership video with a mix of all the testimonials captured on-site.”
In the first two weeks that video was released, it had an estimated 126 minutes watched with a 70 percent audience retention rate.
“The video has helped change my supervisor's perception of the association,” says Lisa Healy, an AMM board member featured in the video. “My supervisor had thought that AMM was just a social organization, but now sees that it is educational, and works to address the issues currently facing the industry.”