April 6, 2016

Several of the organizations we work with who hold events have, over the years, taken advantage of AH’s Digital Media team to travel to the meeting to capture photos and footage of the event. The photos and footage are often used for various reasons, but typically for promotional purposes. The Association of Medical Media (AMM) recently utilized AH’s Digital Media team onsite at an AMM event to develop a membership marketing campaign for increased visibility.

Prior to traveling to the event, RCC developed the membership marketing campaign to be featured in both digital and print communications, integrating creative design, photography, and video. RCC developed a cohesive theme for membership ads and video. Once a theme and strategy was confirmed, a survey was sent to the membership to capture messaging for the marketing campaign. Survey results were reviewed and testimonial questions were developed.

With only one half day onsite at the AMM event, the AH Digital Media team captured over 300 photos and several on-camera member testimonials for content for the campaign. On camera, the members shared real experiences with AMM through their video testimonials, and the photos were captured representing each individual’s personality that was photographed.


The finished products were four digital and print ads – one member featured in each – with a quote in text from their on-camera testimonial and a membership video. The products were 100% authentic member experiences. In the first two weeks of the release of the video it had an estimated 126 minutes watched with a 70 percent audience retention rate.

“The video has helped change my supervisor's perception of the association,” says Lisa Healy, an AMM board member featured in the video. “My supervisor had thought that AMM was just a social organization, but now sees that it is educational, and works to address the issues currently facing the industry."