February 16, 2015

In the early stages of an aggressive growth strategy, it’s important to implement a management structure that can support that type of growth. Getting full staff buy-in can be a challenge when the management structure is changing and the expectations of staff are evolving. Some will feel uncertain or even threatened in their current seat as things begin to change around them. Ensuring that all staff understand the role they play in the company’s overall growth and revenue goal will be integral to the success of the company.

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How is this achieved? It’s really a multi-pronged approach that includes staff communications in the form of newsletters, emails, full-staff meetings, and one-on-one conversations with employees. All information shared should tie back to the growth agenda and the employee’s role in the big picture, with an eye for their ability to make adjustments in their daily routines that will serve to grow the bottom line.

How do you motivate your employees?