September 12, 2017

On the first day of September there was actually a chill in the air. It was like someone flipped a switch and for the first time this season, on the east coast, it felt like fall. This change in the weather is indicative of a myriad of other changes: days become noticeably shorter; work schedules that had been a little slower during the summer months begin to pick up pace again; children are headed back to school and suddenly we find ourselves deep in the throes of the "t" word: Transition.


Transition often breeds new energy, a fresh outlook and renewed sense of purpose. As individuals and organizations transition, the return to "normal" is a part of that transition.

When we talk about "getting back to normal" we note that transition can occur due to just about anything. Getting back to normal can simply be the result of the passing of time: Time to go back to school. It can be the result of a life event: We just had a baby!  It can occur after following a career change: I just got a new job! Or even as the result of personal loss or a tragedy. This month, particularly in light of the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida, hundreds of thousands of people try to return to a "new normal."

What strategies, methods and techniques can be employed to help them get "Back To IT?"