September is Baby Safety Month, sponsored annually by AH client partner, the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). This month-long event increases consumer awareness of safety issues and the safe selection and use of baby products. Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, industry partner, doctor’s office, or playgroup, you are in a wonderful position to spread the word to parents and caregivers about baby safety throughout Baby Safety Month and all year long.
Baby Safety Month started in 1983 when JPMA initiated “Expectant Mother’s Day.” In 1986, it was extended to a week-long celebration, until 1991, when JPMA sponsored the first “Baby Safety Awareness Month.” Since then, every September has been designated as Baby Safety Month.
Let's dive into how the theme was created for 2016, keeping the JPMA and Baby Safety Month branding.
Type/Color Palette/Accents
Baby Safety Month has been branded with the pastel purple/green/yellow color palette and the fonts Gotham and Lobster. The logo has been established for a few years now, with only changes to the tagline to represent current trends in baby safety.
Baby Safety Month uses high quality stock photography for the main baby photo. The tone of the photo matches the color palette and the photo can be manipulated several ways for all the different formats that the theme will be used in.
Home Page Design
The home page slider is where all the elements come together for the final design. This is the basis for all other designs to follow.
Web Banners
Several various sized web banners were created for usage in social media, web sites, and email. The size may change, but the branding is consistent.
An infographic was created to cover all the main points of information quickly in a visual way.
Infographic banners
This infographic was then parted out for several social media images in various sizes.
Web site
A web page was created on JPMA’s web site using the Baby Safety Month branding.
A video was created to promote the campaign on the Baby Safety Month Facebook page.