October 7, 2015

The Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) is the first and largest nationally accredited organization that certifies case managers. CCMC is positioned as the most active and prestigious certification organization supporting the case management industry. It is committed to quality practice, ethical standards and behavior; science-based knowledge; and a heightened understanding of the role and function of today’s professional case managers.

CCMC will be hosting its premiere networking conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 21-23, 2016 for allied health professionals across all practice settings interested in issues related to case management.

To reach its target audiences effectively, CCMC is using AH’s Red Chair Communications’ (RCC) team skills for marketing and promotion.

The RCC team developed five strategies in its cohesive campaign to drive effective marketing for CCMC’s conference — segmented emailing, a toolkit with all conference information, brag badges, Linkedin Adwords, and a conference video.


Segmented Emailing

To improve conference email marketing initiatives, Red Chair Communications created segmented email marketing lists and will tailor message to each group. The different segments include case management practice setting members (such as nurses, social workers, care coordinators, rehabilitation counselors, workers’ compensation and more) and local geographical members (the meeting will be in Nevada, so the areas of focus are the surrounding west coast areas).

“By segmenting emails by target groups and locations, the RCC team will be able to make more relevant and personal messages to effectively connect with each audience,” says Laura Pearce, MarCom Coordinator of the RCC team.

 Ambassador Toolkit

The RCC team designed an Ambassador Toolkit, which includes tips, pre-written emails, talking points, and language for social media posts about the opportunities available at the CCMC New World Symposium.

“The Ambassador Toolkit was designed for CCMC Board Members, so they would be able to help promote and market the conference to their followers,” said Pearce. “This allows members to easily share conference information to their employees, colleagues, friends, and followers through a variety of outlets.”

 Brag Badges

For the conference the RCC team is creating online “brag badges” so that attendees, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors who have signed up for the conference can post on social media and tell others that they will be at the CCMC New World Symposium, both encouraging fellow professionals to join in and showcasing they are utilizing opportunities like this to further their career.

“Digital badges have been found to be most effective when they are contributed to goal setting, reputation, status affirmation, instruction, and group identification,” says Pearce. “Badges also motivate engagement with similar audiences and communities.”

LinkedIn Adword Campaign

To reach case managers across all practice settings, the RCC team created a LinkedIn Adword strategy, which targets members of like-minded LinkedIn groups.

“Through LinkedIn Adword campaigns, RCC is able to send highly targeted messages to the people that matter the most for CCMC” said Pearce.

 Conference Video

The last strategy the RCC team is incorporating in the campaign is the development of a conference video, which will include members of CCMC promoting the New World Symposium. The RCC team will share the video on YouTube and include it in many social media messages and email newsletters.

“Creating a video with great visuals and sound can not only help drive people to your event, but also increase the awareness of the event as viewers share it,” says Pearce. “The video allows the target audience to get a feel for what the conference is all about and hear from real members of their community.”