February 6, 2015



Membership dues account for a significant portion of revenue for most associations. Diligent recruitment and retention of members is vital to ensuring consistent cash flow. Still, associations are always looking for new ways to increase their non-dues revenue so that they can expand their resources. 

The WOCN® Society is an excellent example of one of those associations. The Society has introduced two new digital media products for purchase to both members and non-members, as well as an online Continuing Education Center (CEC) that features courses that generate income. Society leadership, program directors and regional presidents have all played an important role in the promotion of these non-dues revenue streams.

Digitize Your Association Resources

WOCN's CEC launched in August 2012, and it has helped increase WOCN’s revenue by 4%. It offers members and non-members continuing education courses, webcasts, and certification review courses. The CEC also helps to promote other campaigns, such as membership retention, because promotional codes for CEC courses can be distributed as an incentive.

The sale of digital media products has also been a successful source of income for the society. The Educational Essentials (formerly available on CD) is now a digital media file that downloads to the computer once purchased. This product is for sale to both members and non-members and is specifically targeted to students enrolled in a WOC Accredited program. The digital version of the Educational Essentials is more streamlined and easier for students to access. Because the product is targeted to students, the WOCN's program directors can be actively involved in the sale of the product and it works with the directors to create promotional campaigns for Educational Essentials. This drives revenue for the dociety and, in turn, provides students with a valuable educational tool.  

Image removed.The Professional Practice Manual is another digital media product the WOCN offers in partnership with Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, and Nursingcenter.com for purchaseThe new digital format launched in June 2013 and has currently recognized 33% of the products budgeted income. 

Additionally, the society collaborated with an industry partner to create the EmPOWERed educational program, which highlights the content of the manual and how to apply it in practice. The series of lectures, available at regional conferences, are designed to significantly increase sales, as well as open the opportunity for the regional presidents to participate in marketing of the program and the product.

Our Results?

Since August 2012, the combined non-dues revenue of all three of these resources; the CEC, the Educational Essentials and the Professional Practice Manual have increased product sales by approximately 15%. The income from the sale of these products and courses is fantastic, both for WOCN and for the educational value it brings to members and non-members. It provides the opportunity for our members, leaders, and program directors to be actively involved in their association, all while promoting tools and resources that benefit both new and experienced WOC nurses.