April 8, 2019
You may be wondering how you could possibly make an impact for your association in the big sea of social media. Nielsen* tells us that 84% of consumers reported always or sometimes acting based on personal recommendations. That makes you a pretty big fish in the sea of 4 billion.
Here are three ways you can make a difference and advance your association using social media:
- Be loud and proud. Don’t be shy about sharing your affiliation with your association. The very fact that you belong tells others that you value your membership and may prompt them to ask questions and join. Going to a conference or annual meeting? Let people know! Display a badge or just a simple sentence to tell others that you find value in your association.
- Yes, like and share your association’s posts when you see them, but did you know that a more thoughtful response boosts that post’s performance? On Facebook, if you are short on time, choosing any reaction other than like (thumbs up) such as love (the heart) or WOW (smiley with the wide-open mouth) is rated as a higher response and will help to boost that post’s performance. The same is true on LinkedIn, posts that are liked get more attention, but it’s the posts with comments that get the most exposure. Start a conversation. Participate.
- Be Valuable. Share your knowledge! Every time you share an article you are drawing attention to yourself and by extension, your association. Join professional groups, especially those sponsored by your association and become a valued, trusted resource. The more people see you as an expert, the more likely they are to ask and value your opinion.
Members are the best ambassadors of their associations. You have the most influence among your peers, so don’t be shy. Jump right in! The water’s great.